The biggest update for Call of Duty Mobile is now live! COD Mobile Season 9 Conquest brings with itself a plethora of new content, changes, tweaks and improvements. Starting from Gunsmith that allows unprecedented gun customization to new Battle Royale locations, there is a lot to enjoy with COD Mobile Season 9. We already covered a number of test server builds but finally, COD Mobile Season 9 Conquest is live for everyone as a stable release!
Activision releases new Seasons after every few months. These Season releases bring with itself new challenges and content for gamers to enjoy. However, with COD Mobile Season 9, there are some fundamental additions to the overall game and not just new content. This is also why Activision held so many public tests to make sure everything is integrated well enough. Now that COD Mobile Season 9 update is live, you can install it directly from Play Store / App Store and enjoy it on your device!
COD Mobile Season 9: Conquest – Update Details

Activision has released a detailed list that highlights all the new changes in Call of Duty Mobile Season 9 Conquest.
More, the list has been split into logical headings which you can easily navigate.

New Gunsmith System
Players can choose from more than a hundred attachments to customize their weapons! Update your favorite weapon with new visual and functional upgrades for a completely unique experience.
- Each weapon has up to nine attachment slots and more than 50 attachments and gun perks available
- Earn attachments by upgrading your weapon level.
- Legendary and Epic weapons are now Blueprints. Blueprints are variants of the base weapons that come with various cosmetic differences as well as curated pre-equipped attachments. These attachments are pre-equipped on each specific blueprint without needing to level up the base weapon to unlock them.
- Rare and Uncommon weapons are now camo options that can be equipped on base weapons
- Highest weapon level is shared across all unlocked weapons and Blueprints of that type. No more needing to level each and every weapon you receive!
- Show off your own personal style with charms, stickers, reticles, and grindable camos
- Save your newly designed weapon as a customized weapon to equip in your Loadouts
- Too complicated? Try the recommended blueprints. Players can see the changing stats while modifying weapons. Weapon stats reflect the actual performance of the weapon
Rank Series 6 runs from 8.2020 – 10.2020
New ranked mode seasonal rewards
- New epic blueprint: QQ9 – Eye Candy
- New epic soldier: Tengu – Undead Crusade
- New epic frame: Bomber Frame
New Battle Pass available August 16th (UTC)!
New Premium Battle Pass Rewards
- New Epic soldiers: Reznov, Nikto – Stronghold, Richtofen, Lev Kravchenko – Soviet Dragon
- New Epic Blueprints: Chopper – Fortress, Kilo Bolt-Action – Lazarus,QQ9 – Trendsetter,Striker – Aeronaut
- New Legendary Calling Card: Take Cover
- New “Battle Dressed” themed items
New Free Battle Pass Rewards
- New base Marksman Rifle: Kilo Bolt-Action. A lethal lightweight marksman rifle that can take the enemy down in one-shot
- New Scorestreak: Shield Turret. A manual operated shielded turret that can be deployed on most surfaces
New Event Rewards
New challenges and missions with new rewards
- New Lethal equipment: Thermite. Sticks to any surface and burns over time upon impact
- New Solider: Nikolai Belinski
- New Epic blueprints: MSMC – Rosie, ICR-1 – Retro Nuclear
- New Perk: Amped – Take advantage of faster primary weapon swap and launcher reload speed (excluding swapping to pistol and melee)
New Featured Game Mode
10v10 mode
- Available for Team Death Match, Domination
- Available on Shipment, Takeoff, Meltdown, Crossfire
New map
- Shipment, a Call of Duty classic, is now available! Dash through cargo containers in this action-packed fan favorite.
- Available for: Team Death Match, Domination, Free-For-All, Hardpoint, Gunfight, Ultra Rapid Fire, 1v1, Kill Confirmed, Team Death Match 10v10
- Training Mode – Movable targets and new challenge added
- Domination – Capture progress will pause when players are not in the objective area.
- Domination – Tunisia has been removed from Domination map list on normal MP
- Domination – Meltdown has been removed from Domination map list on ranked MP
- Hardpoint – The next hardpoint in Hardpoint mode will be shown on map, but cannot be captured until it is unlocked
Battle Royale
With the new Gunsmith system, all weapons in Battle Royale now perform the same as their Multiplayer versions. Players can modify and customize their weapon in Battle Royale loadout and acquire them from airdrops. Look for brand new weapons on the battlefield with various styles and attachments.
New airdrop
- Players now can acquire loadout customized weapons from airdrop. Every airdrop allows four players to choose one of their customized weapons from their loadouts. (one weapon per player/per airdrop)
New Areas
- Check out the four new areas added to Battle Royale: Radar Base, Dormitory, Outpost, and Camp
New Weapons
- New Battle Royale weapons of all rarities added. The higher the rarity, the more attachments. Attachments cannot be dropped or equipped to another weapon
New Attachments
- Augment your Battle Royale weapons with Gun Mods. More than 10 new mods to try. Gun Mods can be dropped or equipped to other weapons
New Items
- Armor Plate: Recover armor durability by 50%. Use armor plates to repair your vest
- Ammo types now match to corresponding weapon class
Improvements and Optimizations
- Increased Death Machine long-range damage, slightly increased fire rate, increased spin up time after moving.
- Increased Sparrow drawing speed. Increased range when drawing Sparrow back for a shorter amount of time.
- Increased War Machine’s grenades area of effect. Decreased damage on player using War Machine. Optimized animation.
- Decreased Annihilator reloading speed after firing. Slightly decreased fire rate.
- Slightly decreased Gravity Spikes area of effect.
- Molotov Cocktail is now lethal equipment.
- Significantly increased Molotov Cocktail damage.
- Katana’s name and model updated.
- Deploying Stealth Chopper and Cluster Strike will activate a one-time UAV map scan and reveal current locations of enemies.
- Optimized reloading animation
- Optimized firing animation
- Optimized visuals and behavior of laser sight attachments
- Optimized bolt pulling animation of bolt-action sniper rifles
- Extended time limit for squad filling in the middle of a ranked multiplayer match
- Fixed an issue where the SMRS and War Machine can shoot through walls
- Fixed an issue that UAV shows enemy movement instead of current location
- Fixed an issue where players FOV is narrowed when using Katana
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from crouching or going prone
- Fix an issue with incorrect models in Attack of Undead
Battle Royale
- Poltergeist: Increased invisibility for the first two seconds after activating Active Camo, regardless of distance
- Trap Master: Decreased Electric Trip Wire’s damage and effect on enemy’s movement speed
- The first safe zone appears earlier in game and collapse slower. Players have more time to reach the first safe zone
- Optimized water visual effect. Water Reflection available in “Very High” graphic quality.
- Decreased tank’s side armor. Adjusted tank’s firing trajectory
- Tank is now equipped with an electronical thermal imaging system
- Tank airdrop is now a random event
- Area names are visible while jumping. Areas with better loot are displayed with orange names
- Optimized the ragdoll physics when being hit by vehicles
- Optimized character movement animation
- Optimized ladder climbing animation
- Optimized player animations when moving along walls
- Optimized health and armor UI
- New opening animation on the jump plane
- New armor penetration feedback
- New jump plane audio indicators
- Fixed an issue with tank spawning in unusable locations
- Fixed an issue where item models would disappear occasionally
- Fixed an issue where gunfire indicator would be the wrong direction on compass
- Fixed an issue where audio would cut out
Ranked Matches
- Optimized score logic for Ranked Multiplayer
- Optimized matchmaking logic for Ranked Multiplayer
- Optimized match report details
- Players in rank protection lose fewer rank points after a loss
- New squad view when loading into a match
- Optimized Ranked Battle Royale score logic
- Optimized matchmaking logic for Ranked Battle Royale
- New match report UI
- New animation for reaching each higher rank after Pro I
- Fixed an issue where players in rank protection were recognized as lower rank
- Players can unlock most weapons, perks, Operator skills and Sorestreaks before level 55.
ICR-1, Cordite, HVK30, GKS, KN-44, Locus, Pharo, KRM262, HBRa3, Man-O-War and Razorback are now player level rewards. Other base weapons can be unlocked by completing challenges in Gunsmith system or within the free Battle Pass
- Molotov Cocktail and Combat Axe are now player level rewards
- Players can have up to 10 Loadouts in Multiplayer. Loadouts 1-5 are unlocked immediately. Loadouts 6-10 are unlocked through level progression.
- Players now have 5 Loadouts for Battle Royale
- All new player level rewards will be unlocked after upgrading to the new version.
- All new UI for Multiplayer and Battle Royale lobbies. Players can see recommended events and claim rewards before starting a match
- Players can display calling cards, sprays and emote in Multiplayer and Battle Royale team lobbies
- Calling cards can be configured on in game HUD in Control Layouts in Settings menu
- Most event rewards will be claimed automatically during after match report
- New after match summary and sharing UI for Battle Royale winners
- New bug report system
- Optimized in-game HUD
- Optimized UI and user experience for Battle Pass
- Optimized ladder-climbing UI and customization option
That’s one big change-log! COD Mobile Season 9 is definitely the largest update yet to the game.
More, do read our COD Mobile Season 9 requirements guide if you want to make sure your phone is compatible with the new update.