TeamWin’s popular custom recovery project has been now updated to TWRP 3.3 which is a big step from older TWRP 3.2.3. For users unaccustomed with the TWRP name, it is a big third-party recovery which is maintained by numerous developers. What TWRP offers is a heavily modified version of Android’s stock recovery that, when installed, allows users to install various mods such as root, custom ROMs. Apart from installation, TWRP also carries various different functions on its own such as advanced system partition formatting, complete system backups and more. There have been some significant improvements in TWRP 3.3 which have warranted the this version jump and we will discussing them all in this guide and also showing you how to download it for your device.
The versatility and sheer usage of TWRP is what makes it such an exciting utility. For almost all mods, custom ROMs or any other system modification package for Android, it usually requires TWRP to be flashed. Further, this installation method is much more straight forward and easier to develop for as it is the same across all supported devices regardless of which brand they are or what hardware they have. For us, the big change in TWRP 3.3 is most definitely is drastically improved support for newer A / B partition devices. Continue ahead for the complete TWRP 3.3 changelog.

TWRP Recovery – Details:
Utilizing Android’s open source approach, TWRP is also an open source, community project. As the code is open to everyone, developers can modify it and come up with their own editions. This approach helps in bringing faster support for newer devices. Third-party or non-TeamWin members can easily draft up unofficial builds which afterwards can be finalized and incorporated into the official repository — and also official TWRP app which is available through Google Play Store.
Initially, TWRP started as a custom recovery for only a singular device. The original developers later on decided to come up with a standardized version that can work across multiple devices and that is exactly what today’s TWRP is. The main functionality for TWRP and also, one of its most used feature set is the ability to flash packages such as Magisk root or custom ROMs like LineageOS.
TWRP 3.3 Recovery – Changelog:
Rather than being an incremental release with just minor improvements, TWRP 3.3 is a major step up. There are fundamental changes packed within which make the recovery more efficient, easy to use & install and have better compatibility with latest devices.
Here is the official change-log for TWRP 3.3.0-0 release:
- Merge AOSP 9.0 r3
- Use ANDROID_ROOT variable instead of hard coding to /system
- Decrypt FBE on 9.0 and metadata decrypt
- vold decrypt updates
- Support vibration on LED class devices
- Metadata decrypt support for Pixel 3
- Support rotating the display via build flag
- Reboot to EDL mode button
- Support MTP on FFS devices
- Update FDE decrypt to support keymaster 3 and 4
- Detect mkfs.f2fs version to properly format on f2fs partitions
- Allow TWRP to use md5 and sha256 checksums for zip installs
- TWRP can use /data/cache/recovery and /persist/cache/recovery on AB devices with no cache partition
- Switch part of advanced menus in TWRP to use a listbox of options
- Use magiskboot to allow repacking boot images for installing TWRP
Download TWRP 3.3 Recovery
All devices that have existing, official TWRP support can now update to TWRP 3.3 custom recovery. Users that have a working installation of TWRP, can download TWRP app and use that to update their devices.
If you don’t have custom recovery installed, head on to TeamWin’s website and search for your device, from there, you can download the latest TWRP 3.3 custom recovery specific to your phone or tablet.