Taimur Akmal

Taimur Akmal

Devoted writer, enjoys developing code. Appreciates excellent food, exceptional coffee and great company. He is also into sublime design and nicely built cars.
Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Power Package Unboxed! 1

Samsung Galaxy Note 9: Power Package Unboxed!

Samsung’s greatest smartphone yet, Galaxy Note 9 is now available for purchase and we will be sharing the full unboxing experience along with our initial thoughts through this article. The Note lineup was initially an idea drafted by Samsung heads…

Xiaomi Redmi 6 Review 2

Xiaomi Redmi 6 Review

As dual camera lenses become a standard on modern Android smartphones, Xiaomi has unveiled its 2018 budget iteration equipped with this technology, the new Redmi 6. Deemed as Entry-level dual camera king, new Redmi 6 has a lot to offer. Xiaomi’s…